Welcome to High Street Textile Testing Services Ltd
High Street Textile Testing Services Limited (High Street) is an established Textile and Consumer Product testing Laboratory based in Leeds UK. A part of the Modern Testing Services Group Since 2014. https://www.eurofins.com/textile-leather/about-us/locations/eurofins-mts-leeds-uk
High Street offers a no nonsense approach in supporting you to get your product to market. We use our knowledge, expertise and experience to the advantage of all our Customers and Retailers, we will test what we receive and report what we find, if there are any problems with your product we will endeavour to help you find a solution. We will always aim to be cost effective and deliver on time. High Street is small enough to be friendly but big enough to be effective.
HSTTS and Eurofins MTS CPT UK to merge
On 1 March 2023, High Street Textile Testing Service UK Limited (HSTTS) will be merged with its direct parent company Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing UK Limited (ERF MTS) to create one single legal entity.
The current scope of accreditation under HSTTS will be transferred to ERF MTS and there will be no change or break in accreditation and usual service levels will be maintained. The current address and phone number remain unchanged. You can find the latest contact details on our website or approach your Eurofins representatives for any questions.