Fibre Composition

The fibre content of Textiles Materials are tested according to Statutory Instrument 2006 No.3298 The Textile Products (Determination of Composition) Regulations 2006.
This regulation refers to the test methods given in European Directive 96/73/EC for binary textile fibre mixtures (amendment 2006/2/EC) and European Directive 73/44/EC for ternary fibre mixtures.
Prior to adoption of the Directives on 9th February 2007, BS 4407 (1988), was the standard used, there is little or no difference between the methods outlined in BS4407 and those in the Directives 96/73/EC and 73/44/EC.
The regulations cover all forms of textiles and also includes some labelling requirements The tolerance allowed for garment and fabric composition is +/- 3% based on the total weight of fibres.
The Directives identify the preferred sequence in which different components are removed by dissolving them in a variety of chemicals and the residue after each component is removed is dried and weighed.). After the final component has been removed, the composition is then determined based upon the percentage of each fibre (based upon its dry mass) and may be adjusted for agreed moisture allowances (eg Wool 18.25%, Viscose 13.0%, Polyester 1.5%, etc)
There are some fibre blends that can not be separated chemically, these are analysed microscopically and the individual fibres are counted to achieve the percentage blend. In the main these fibres are animal fibres such as Wool or Cashmere and certain cellulosic fibres such as Cotton & Linen
If you need further help or support on this subject please contact Scott Wiseman or Paul Jones on 0113 2488830 or e mail
Click here to download a copy of the Fibre Composition Regulations